Following the excellent reception of LATE NIGHT LOOKOUTS for the GMTK JAM 2023, I've pushed a small update that has some bug fixes, a couple of adjustments to the thief's AI, and most importantly, some new content!

As it's always difficult to work with crunch-time code from Game Jams, I've redone a lot of systems behind the scenes that should allow some interesting updates in the future! For now, I've implemented TWO ADDITIONAL LEVELS that I had to scrap due to time constraints. 

Additionally, shadows have been added to the HTML version! This is experimental and may cause lag on low-end devices, so I still recommend the Windows version! Otherwise, this feature can be manually turned off in the HTML version.

This game will enter PARTIAL DEVELOPMENT (on and off programming) for the next couple of months. I hope to create 12-15 additional levels as well as SEVERAL NEW MECHANICS to keep the gameplay fresh. 

(be prepared to encounter some new tricks from the thief following the future 1.2 update, planned for August!)


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